Why 555?

Family-owned businesses with decades of history and private equity-sponsored growth companies benefit from our strong foundation of highly-focused, customized client service. 


Value Creation

We uncover and develop impactful factors and articulate them to drive demand and fuel negotiations. For our clients, this results in exceptional value creation in the final transaction price and terms.


Client First & Collaboration

Each client company, its owners and transaction is unique. The goals and opinions of our client and its advisors (board members, lawyers, accountants, wealth managers) are heard and top of mind throughout the transaction process.  Collaboration is key for an efficient, optimal close and post-closing success.


Full Commitment with High Integrity

A strong banker-client relationship characterized by enthusiasm, transparency and unrelenting determination by the 555 team.



Extends over domestic as well as international corporate buyer and financial investor direct relationships, reach and techniques.


Confidentiality. Always. 

We understand the importance of information as a strategic asset and carefully market the transaction to prevent it from being “leaked,” while advising clients on specific methods to protect confidential information during diligence.